Monday, November 3, 2008

James Murphy + Hockey Night = ?

James Murphy has a new band and they are hopefully going to be releasing material in the near future on DFA (next year). According to Rodrigo Davies of the BBC:

"Murphy said the new band had been formed by Scott Wells and Paul Sprangers, two former members of Minneapolis band Hockey Night. During the recording, Murphy has been playing some bass and LCD’s Pat Mahoney doing some drumming. He added that some of the members of DFA act Hercules and Love Affair are also contributing."

The record is "a rock record, a classic rock record," says Murphy who is currently mixing the album and will not, along with Mahoney, accompany the group in their live performances. Shucks. Oh well, I can't wait to hear whats being cooked up by Murphy in the studio right now.

Arthur Russel - Springfield (DFA Remix) (zshare)
Hockey Night - For Guys' Eyes Only (zshare)

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